Language & Translation

For more than thirty years Paula Schmitz, Sandra Gastaldi and Diana Petrochelli have been helping clients across the globe facilitate foreign language communication (English-Spanish / Spanish-English) and eliminate multicultural communication barriers. We are proud to offer a full range of translation and interpretion services highly needed in the process of expatriation as well as teacher´s training.

  • Document and Website Translation
  • Public translations of legal documents
  • Immigration documents
  • Certification with the College of Translators in Córdoba
  • Immigration application
  • Other forms at the Córdoba Migrations´office
  • Interpretation Services
  • Simultaneous and Consecutive Translation
  • Proof-reading
  • Proposal writing
  • Online ESL (English as a Second Language) Training
  • Online Teacher´s Training
  • Online ESL Course Development
  • Online E-learning Training (E-learning E-training)
  • Interculturalism: Blog